Relationships by Design Workshop
May 11 together with Sun & Moon Yoga Academy
We’re always in relationship with people around us. In groups, teams, and families–these relationship systems all have a life of their own, as well as the individuals in them. You can tap into the innate intelligence that your relationships have without even having the people involved be there. How? BY DESIGN.
When planning our lives and goals, we often forget that we’re part of a vast relationship system. We rarely take the time to plan our relationship systems by design. Hot spots occur, conflict arises and roles get confused. In this workshop we will go through a process of identifying and designing our most important relationships, discovering how we can draw on emotional and other forms of intelligence to imagine and envisage the best possible relationships with those we love and even those we don’t.
In this session, you will learn a simple and effective tool for tapping into the intelligence of your close relationships that will:
- Give you a tool to learn about the big picture image of your relationships and how they interact with each other
- Look at the connections in your relationships and imagine the highest possible outcomes for them
- Improve your relationships and learn some of the backbone of Relationship Systems Coaching™
- Experience a tool called a ‘Constellation’ to uncover your relationship potential
Cost: 3500 yen
When: Saturday May 11th 2019, 5:30pm-7:30pm
Where: Sun & Moon Yoga in Gotanda
Read more here or head to Sun and Moon Yoga Academy to sign up.
Toptia photos