“Laid back luxury,

easy business,

& life dreaming

for dazzling women“


Angela Ortiz Pettas &

Sarah Furuya

Let us welcome you to Saunter and Frolic; lunch retreats in laid back luxury, dreaming boss dates, park saunters, beach strolls, lies down in the park.

Business for bad girls and curious good girls.

Saunter &Frolic

Saunter &Frolic


Ramble, amble, stroll, meander, leisurely pace


Frisk, gambol, cavort, caper, scamper, revel, antics, playful, merry 

A love letter to women who want to do fuck all for a bit

Or maybe don’t know how to do that because they are just so productive and life is so full and when was the last time they just slowed down, stopped moving, proving and learning and growing? Or taking care of business?

Like properly rest and lie around and get in water and read books and do what you like and read poems and dance or stay in your room all day go to the sea if you want have a loose schedule and bathe and eat and lounge and luxuriate

FOLLOW OUR PEATIX HERE here For the next event July 2024 weekend retreat is sold out!

Hosted by Mi Casa MobaraChiba

Like grown ass women

Who can do whatever they want

Wildest Dreaming

A day of visions

Don’t tell the good girls


‘Let it be Huge’ is ™© Gretchen Miura

FtTo To

How would it be to get so completely lazy that only new things can emerge from where you are, and out of the vacuum created in your rest?

In our weekend retreat …

If you want to write it down, then do, write it down

Have a journal and a writing implement nearby so you can languidly reach over, and gently record your creation…

Holding lazy as a sacred insult that means you are entirely mammaling well

Moving - dance as a child, sing as a sprite, revel in languid luxury like a painting, sit together and chat, converse, muse, compliment, receive

Take minimum action and…

By action - you might write them down, or just let them sit

You might just say them out loud or you may go pick a flower to remind you of the thoughts that sauntered into your brain.

You may frolic with the thought and call in a chat. A meandering chat that has no destination beyon being on the company of women, weaving ordinary magic

When you are listening really listen - get quiet

Expand people’s ideas 

Love on our bodies unapologetically

Love on each others bodies

Collect shells and pebbles

Ask the beach for things

Look at animals

See things flying 

Get bitten but preferably not by snakes - get evidence of your place in the wild


Performance, yet nothing performative

Unless performative is your way into things


Be earnest  




Don’t get dressed all day


Sit in water together



Personal hygiene is optional

Go slow

Prove nothing; or everything if that’s the vibe



Say things 

Be GOD FORBID unprofessional

Read a poem or a phrase from a book

Sneak off for an orgasm

Recommend sex toys

Wear things you are ashamed to wear, because of the gaze of people whose opinion doesn’t matter to you, yet could harm you. You are smart not to wear that thing on the daily - you are smart so smart. We are not those people. But here, you can wear it. Let what naturally wants to sit on your body sit on your body.

This is so much about subtraction, not addition

Well not subtraction just doing nothing

We highly highly recommend not looking at your phone, taking facebook and instagram off your phone and als ignoring that because you might want to spend all weekend on your back scrolling with gay abandon

Do it

We will provide a camera to play with 

You could input down to nature input and just see what happens

Get cooked for and cleaned for - no exceptions

No group doing-things duties

Declare - I just dreamed something up!

I just had a notion

Something just wafted through my thoughts

Look, I found a nice stick

Have you seen this stone?

I just flirted with a leaf

When was the last time you just sat around, lay around or hung out with other women?

Not talking about duties, kids, work, a schedule, sunscreen, strategy, food, other people, busy-ness, weight, clothes (besides to just love on them), bodies (besides to just love on them), hair (besides just to love on it)

You look nice

Thank you

Receive compliments

When was the last time you surrounded yourself with notebooks and books and had no need to clear them up?

You let yourself get dreamy - like do a visualisation, not to identify your next steps, although they may just slowly or quickly emerge, but to just enjoy being in the dreamworld. Just to get dreamy. Not for any other reason but to kick back, relax and get dreamy.

Not a bullet point in sight.

No goals
No pre-retreat preparation
No pre-retreat questionnaire

Just a big open space with some lovely things around

Maybe press a flower - beautiful you find yourself jumping to making the most beautiful flower mandala of them all - then maybe just chill

Competitive relaxing - just sit at our table and yeah, saunter, potter, putter, lie down, laze around, stretch like a cat, enthuse like a dog

Get in water, be in water. Take a ‘mystic dip’ these are different from ‘going for a swim’ and all its expectation. 

You get in the water.

There’s a lot more potent magic there.

Or maybe just jump in the waves, or float on your back or splash a friend or float on a floaty.

Saunter and frolic through the waves
Pleasure and enjoyment as the absolute priority

No Healing

Yeah. No. There will be absolutely no healing.

I said it.

Sarah cannot heal you. 

Angela cannot heal you. 

Zero healings. 

Healing nashi. 

We may administer insect bite remedies

Apply sunscreen or after sun

Or a plaster to a small cut

Beyond that

No healing


I mean - you do you if you feel like something is shifting or healing in you, then please leap to your feet and declare…


I take my miracles tiny


A tree

The mantis that was hanging out in my hall

The message my friend left me


The massive sting-ray I saw in my local harbour late June 


Being in love

Girl crushes

Long friendships

Weird coincidence 

Deep deep relaxation

Sarah’s round belly 

Ange’s 6-pack

Sarah’s Bingo Wings

Ange’s guns

Surgery - I mean, surgeons are bloody wizards

They are the real miracle workers

We shall not be performing surgery

Sarah cannot heal you

Angela cannot heal you

No healing. 

What if there were magazines and images just lying around?  For you to dip in and out of. To saunter through. If you wanted to grab a pair of scissors you could, if you felt like it.

You could stick them on something if you wanted. You could call it a vision board or a collage if you wanted. You might even call it decoupage. Or you might just pick up a pair of scissors, then like some old-timey lady, come over a bit faint and put them down and lie down to recover.

No fomo

No-one will be doing anything so it’s impossible to fear missing out
Saunter into a forest, pick a flower, pick arms full.

Outdoors vibes or Air con vibes - all good. 

No sudden movements - you might disrupt an aura (LOL)

Yet a surprise frolic will be a happy event 

Karaoke - sing or not

Dance like people are watching - seriously - you don’t want to look like a dick. I mean I don’t care about that but, you know, people do judge. I love a dance - I really do, so much so that someone came up to me and told me I was a good dancer last time I cut a rug

Personal hygiene is a choice. 

So is perfume - you can wear what you want - go ahead. I miss the smell of human bodies and perfume
Maybe listen to the future self inner mentor visualisation 

Maybe reach back and have conversations with your generations before

 - bring them

Bring your own bubbles!

Towels are provided 

Massages optional and additional from a place down the road depending on availability

But if you have a special towel or throw or a sarong you love - come saunter in your wrap

Myth Change - change your myths around being in your body and being busy - busy will not be a banned word but, you know, you’ll not be getting a cigar if you use it


Saunter and Frolic

Angela Ortiz Pettas and Sarah Furuya

Coming Up

Join us for a lunch retreat

Easy business

Laid back luxury

Un-busy style

Cool collaboration in community

Also park rests, art saunters & beach wanders

We are serious about business and saunter and frolic.

Sold Out!

Well that escalated quickly!

We sold out in 5 days.

Well we over-sold as one of our cohort wants to bring their social media manager!

We will be running retreats in the future and if you sign up to Sarah Furuya Peatix you will get first updates!

Something is coming this way…

Saunter and Frolic Weekend Retreat

“We curate Weekend & Afternoon Retreats, for dazzling women who wish to be the most relaxed person in the room.”

Retreat sponsored by Mi Casa Mobara

Hosted by Chief Frolic Officer (CFO) Angela Ortiz Petta and Chief Saunter Officer (CSO) Sarah Furuya Creative

Round 1 july 26-28 ¥38,000 2 nights, shared room, meals included plus activities.

6 spaces only.

Sold Out

Activities will include:

Cook nothing, do nothing, hang out, rest, dip in the sea, stick things to other things, turn cards, chat, compliments, whatever the opposite of body shaming is, healthy love-bombing, shameless ordinary magic, writing (if you like) and whatever the opposite of busy is, Gym activity, stretching, moving, walking, sauntering, frolicking, bellies hanging and six packs bustin; all bodies are celebrated, I mean how could we not - they are miraculous & leave all the body shame to the good girls, looking at trees, gazing at forests, getting in water with women, pressing flowers, picking bouquets made of weeds, drinking wine or non-al beer, and BBQ. Maybe but I will not be in charge of that.

If you feel lazy, you have won. GOLD STARS. (There are no gold stars).

Equally there’s a gym if that’s what you want to do all weekend - that’s your business

Follow our Saunter and Frolic Instagram for a vibe check

(NOT good vibes only - all vibes welcome - like if you are having the most depressed fiery perimenopause or menopause - come sit and cry at our table, your business is a shit show, you are so tired you can barely move, if you are just so over so many things - come lie down and pull a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, you want to downshift*, you are sick of trying to play big, you want to play big, if you are exhausted by your family life and job, even though you love everyone - come have a chicken leg and a breakfast with us that you don’t prepare or clean up, if you are in love with everything - come shine your genuine sunshine over us, if you are wondering what to do next, but just don’t want another weekend of bloody problem solving, self-coaching and educational podcasts, come lounge on some outdoor furniture, bob in the ocean or sing some bad karaoke. Maybe just a weekend-long nap. Or daily runs that will not be led by sauntering Sarah, if you are young and have no direction but would like to be with he elders, and the middle elders and gather with us and ask us questions, then find out just how clueless we are too - come sit at our table. A table you will not be required to wipe down. Oh at all. Maybe you’d simply like to be in communion with other women, quietly grieve, loudly mourn, wanna hang out with a seasoned clueless coach and an athletic Spartan, bon-vivant, and Shachou. And chickens, We’ve got you.).

Do you know Angela and Sarah?

They’re hilarious. We are excellent company and organise terrific parties - her wedding and epic; it was legendary, her birthday parties, fire-jumpin bacchanalian affairs and I had my 50th in a 5-star hotel suite during a lock down and my tenth business anniversary on the beach. This will be so much less (and more) than that.

We know how to host

We know how to Saunter and Frolic

We are kinda cool

Right now, we’re probably lying down or frolicking in the gym, or reading one line from 10 books over the course of a week, or looking at plants or cuddling or something…

Hosted by Chief Saunterer Sarah and Chief Frolicker Angela along with Chief Chicken Mama, Judy.Sorry we are very unprofessional.

For this retreat we will be rearranging ourselves around rest, restoration and dismantling all the doiness. Also doing what we want - which may be a ten mile run or a ten year plan. Or nothing.

We love that.

*Downshifting: the practice of leaving a job that is well paid and difficult in order to do something that gives you more time and satisfaction but less money: More people are finding that downshifting is delivering a less stressful life.

*Upgrading *Transitioning *Completing *Building

All the above are also up for conversations.

Preferably from a prone position.

Or a saunter or a frolic.

Bring your questions and they can be answered by the forest, the chickens, the sea, the sky, the horizon, a cloud, a dream, a nap, an hallucinatory state induced by a restful snooze, your intuition or instinct, your journal, a walk, a run, lifting a weight, a book, a look, or a chicken.