Grief and the Stupid Things that People Say

Sometimes the best we can do is laugh (or cry!) when someone says something stupid to us when we are grieving. Our society is largely grief illiterate, so often people say hurtful or insensitive things simply due to their own discomfort or lack of understanding. But how can we navigate such awkward social interactions? How do we learn to protect ourselves and not take it personally? And most importantly, how can we care for ourselves compassionately in those situations?

In this 90 minute workshop, we will unpack the "stupid" (i.e. hurtful, ignorant or tactless) things that people sometimes say to someone who is grieving. We will find ways to navigate these comments and care for our needs restoratively. We allow room for levity and joy to co-exist with the deep sorrow of grief. 

Sign up here

This workshop is appropriate for:

  • anyone grieving a loss 

  • anyone wanting to support someone who is grieving

  • anyone wanting to become more grief literate 

There are many kinds of losses including (but not limited to) the death of a loved one, job loss, pregnancy loss, change in relationship, death of a pet, illness, estrangement or anticipation of a loss. We tend to losses both recent or old, as well as unresolved grief and grief that has been passed down generationally. Your grief will be honored and validated here. Through humour and inquiry, we may also find our way into compassion for the stupid commenters, although this is not a requirement!

What you'll get in the workshop:

  • Discussion Prompts

  • Time for Reflection

  • Group sharing, to the degree you want

  • Resources to use going forward

  • Supportive sense of community 

We are happy to share the content Resourcing and Taking Refuge from our Lighthouse Circle program that you can access as part of this workshop.

This topic emerged during one of our many conversations in Lighthouse Circle on loss and how people truly say the most inappropriate things!

No doubt, you have experienced it yourself! We would love for your to join, share your stories and find new ways to navigate the turbulence of grief.

This workshop will be led by Sarah Furuya and Gretchen Miura of Lighthouse Circle grief support circle. It will held online via zoom on Thursday September 19th 7:30 ~ 9:00 pm JST. Check here for your local time. This call is not recorded.

COST ¥2,000 (if you are a Grief Circle Lifetime member you will receive a discount code)

Once you register, we will send you a confirmation email with a link to the zoom call and access to content. 

“I wasn’t quite sure what it (Lighthouse Circle) was going to be, but I trusted them, and it turned out to be an incredibly meaningful experience.I would struggle to articulate all that I got out of it. But I can tell you that it felt gentle and powerful, sacred and magical. It gave me so much more to work with when it comes to grief.” - Lighthouse Circle, Past Participant

Please follow our Instagram accounts to stay up to date on our offerings. 







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