Legends Update

Phoenix went down in flames

So I just went ahead and ended Season 7! No fanfare, no running out of steam, no SEASON FINALE!

I just kinda stopped!


I’m recording the first episode of Season 8 next week with the theme SKIN IN THE GAME #skininthegame - I'll be delving deep with those people who truly have made big, risky decisions in their lives and who show up in a way that is skirting the edges of culture. People who take genuine social risks, challenge taboos and who live with beauty and in immersed and artful ways. I’m excited, the front of my body below my chest is pulsing. ANNNNNNNNNNND

I HAVE A CELEBRITY COACH as my opening guest!

I absolutely loved recording the Creative Musings this time round - it was such a great way to process in real time - something of a high-risk activity; we’re supposed to do the public stuff after we’ve processed and tell a story of our success and how we overcame it all. But I’m finding that less and less appealing. As I run a Grief Circle, we are all processing and hearing real-time stories of the greatest pain and the most terrible losses. It’s the most human place I have ever facilitated along with my partner and Mindfulness Teacher, Gretchen Miura.

I’d highly recommend going and having a listen to what transpired to be the finale guest, the wonderful, positive and oh so cool (although she’s tell you she isn’t but she is) Sarah Tapp - I mean she has her own radio show called The Hangover!

I’m really experimenting recently with bucking norms. And by recently I mean the past 35-40 years. I had a go at ‘fitting in’ but it just didn’t work. I’d just kind of leak out all over the place in all my glory. In the past 5 years I have learnt so very much about systemic, cultural and societal norms that hold up our current system. There are things I’m supposed to do, ways I’m supposed to be, and a kind of good girl I should present as. I mean you can’t just go from being Party Furuya to sober overnight. You can’t just request a hysterectomy then get one then talk about it - I mean REALLY talk about it. You can’t just stop your podcast season without wrapping up. You can’t just talk to the mic, really frankly about taboo topics…can you? Can you?

Turns out you can. And that people will message you, pull you aside, and thank you you publicly for telling the truth and for talking about things in a straightforward, honest, genuine and unfettered manner. It’s useful. It presents options. People feel seen and know they aren’t alone and also understand that private things that may be going on in the background of people’s lives may be influencing their outsides. For me it was the Menostorm©: the apex of late ADHD diagnosis, hot steaming garbage dump perimenopause, and sobriety. Can I tell you something - sobriety is the GREATEST GIFT I ever gave myself it is a true delight now; it wasn’t , but now it is. The second greatest gift I ever gave myself was opening the conversation about a hysterectomy

May not be polished or popular but it has Soul, Freedom. It feels like peace.

It’s ordinary. It feels like the next thing that will happen.

It feels like having SKIN IN THE GAME. I mean really really having skin in the game.

And that will be the theme of Season 8 and I HAVE A CELEBRITY COACH as my opening guest. This person is wildly authentic and has skin in the game. Is a multi-million dollar business and has experienced grief, highs, lows, fierce online bullying, and shows so much about her process and has a really fantastic membership with thousands of members!




Save the Date - Tokyo Style Swap- May 11th @ Blink Roppongi