Special offer for style swappers- Style & Beauty Edit

Style and Beauty Edit

You know it’s quite simple to get things looking lovelier - sometimes all you need is a second pair of eyes, a second pair of hands and someone to give you options of what to do next…

I come to your place and we focus on a space of your choice to make it lovely.

I’ll be kind, cool, I’ll coach and also be a little bit Kondo, a wee bit Queer Eye, a tiny bit Cowell, and 100 percent YOUR CHOICE what stays, goes and gets put in the sentimental box. This is about you making more loveliness in your home and absolutely NOT about amplifying shame, making you face your fears or pushing through your limits. Nope. Unless you TELL ME that is what you want. Also not a consumer activity. We’ll look for sustainable options

  • Whether you are an aspiring Minimalist

  • A committed Maximalist

  • In a rental or a home you own

We are simply going to make things more lovely.

If that means orderly and clear then good.

If it means 

I place NO VALUE whatsoever on how you choose to have your house.

Be it cluttered or a Zen Den - our only aim is to choose an area to create more beauty and happiness on your terms.

Much like coaching, I work very differently with different people, I have been coaching for many many years and tailored, bespoke solutions are essential to truly bring contentment and satisfaction. Even a splash of ‘proud of me’ vibe.

“It truly was a life-changing weekend”.

Client after a recent Bedroom Edit


☘️ For 3 LUCKY SWAPPERS, I will do a 3-hour Style and Beauty Edit of your Choice for ¥12,000 in September or October (Please raise your hand only if you are happy for me to do before and after photos and have you give a testimonial)

From November this will reflect more closely my coaching rates and be a premium product- so get in quick!

We will work together to find a time that works for you for me to come to your house and create more beauty and style in one area of your house ON YOUR TERMS.

Want one of the spots? Email info@sarahfuruya.com with I WANT STYLE AND BEAUTY in the subject line! Laura will take care of you.

Wardrobe and Closet Edit ~ make your wardrobe look lovely and make delicious decisions about your items and - ooh would you like colour-coordinated hangers? Let’s get those in your shipping basket OR organise your existing hangers to look ordered. 

Bathroom Edit ~ Let's make your towels look nice, your cremes and potions - get them into play and looking clean and arranged. I often wonder if I need the 20 plastic hair brushes that we used to bring back from hotels (we stopped that now) - but someone somewhere might want them.

I will help you get your stuff onto sales and giveaway sites on Facebook. I HAVE TO DO THIS MYSELF - it will be one of the clear-ups I call in.

Cosmetic Edit ~ a bit of alcohol and some old rags can make old makeup look brand new again.

But that 10-year-old lipstick that smells like old tempura fat - you know the one? I will give you permission to throw it away. OR clean it up and give it a new lease of life. Hey shall we wash your makeup brushes too? Maybe par down to your core cosmetic needs (I am not an MUA but I do have a clear set of well-kept makeup)

Bedroom Edit ~ what do you want from your chamber? A Boudoir or a Box of Zen. A Futon or a bed? 

Supplies Edit ~ All those hobbies and books you have - you know you’re going to get to them one day…one day…one day…

Course you are…

Let have a really good and thorough edit of your stuff (this is about editing your dreams of what are were going to be - a chef, a quilter, a knitter, a home gym person… except you’ll know if you're not. Let’s sell, swap, give-away, bin or arrange in a most stylish way all those projects that are just hanging around making your space look like a jumble sale.

Under consideration - fridge edit but I have a stomach-churning aversion to the smell of fridges and cold food. We can do the door - all those dog-eared paper things flapping around on souvenir magnets...


☘️ FOR TEN LUCKY SWAPPERS you will get access to 6 months of membership to the SFC closed Style & Beauty Edit Group - a group for people who want regular team clear-ups over Zoom, which will include videos from me, first dibs on things I might be giving away or selling, special offers, first dibs on swap tickets, a discussion forum for help and advice, advice for all budgets, resource sharing.

¥2000 per month for 6 months the first 10 swappers to raise their hands.

(If you are a coaching client on The 6, The 8, or The Legend - you get access automatically!)

Email info@sarahfuruya.com with the subject header I WANT A STYLISH AND BEAUTIFUL GROUP ACCESS to get in - Laura will put you on the list and it will start in October! (When you will receive your first invoice)

This will start in October. 

I have a number of clear-ups to do in the coming months:

- ironing every single item I own that requires ironing (this is a twice-yearly activity)

- the bathroom - the shelves are embarrassing and under the sink is where the business-hotel toothbrushes go to die

- my wardrobe - I need to get it all out assessed, clean the wardrobe and put it all back in beautiful order 

- my boxes of molding sentimental stuff - how many poorly focussed 22-year-old photos of the Ferris wheel in Yokohama do I need? Zero - that’s how many yet, I know they lurk in an ancient show box in the outer reaches of my closet. I do not want to open them. That’s why I need a clear-out Zoom. I mean this is special ops level clearing. Eugh.

“It truly was a life-changing weekend”.

- Client after a recent Bedroom and Office Edit

We went from an office you could barely enter for guitars, old baby strollers and boxes of paper, a spare room brimming with clothes and random bags and a bedroom shared by parent and kid. A beautiful thing but the Kid is ready for their own space now and Parent is excited to create a lovely space for them. Following the edit, they have a lovely dedicated bedroom for the Kid with a bed, a brand new desk and fairy lights as well as a well-organised wardrobe full of beautiful Princess dresses (from the swap of course!) The Parent has a bedroom of their own with featured bikes, that look super cool AND the office clear-out given life to old furniture items and they have repurposed an old changing table as a beautiful feature wardrobe bureau. On the day - nothing was left to chance - we got everything for the Facebook Marketplace into the hallway and listed. We checked out the right day for the rubbish.

This person’s house is lovely - and their house looks lovely but life gets in the way - between parenting, full-time jobs and life lived between countries, it’s easy to close the door on things that aren’t urgent and important. And sometimes all you need is a body double to get these things done together. This is what ironing is like for me. Also, I have a habit of emptying a drawer, closet or cupboard then losing motivation and having a mound of stuff that I am crying over and ignoring.  

Yet because I’ve been doing this for years, most of my messes are superficial now and my home is cool and there’s style and beauty everywhere, even through the messes.

It’s not AD or House and Garden but it is 'rental and small deck’™. And I like it. I will share photos with you that are spaces I love and things I love and how I make choices and when I reach breaking point. Which is usually an ADHD melty because I can’t find something. Then the house of cards falls. And the only way to get back to it is by doing an edit and I find the dopamine because I like things to look good and cool. And stylish and beautiful. 


Legends Podcast is back!


Mega Style Swap - Sep 9th, 2023