Dreamweavers - Sacred Circle

Dreamweavers is currently taking a break

Dreamweavers Sacred Circle; an intimate mastermind of up to 7 people who meet regularly and are absolutely committed to growth, action, mutual support and generating more wealth, wisdom, well-examined decisions and unconditional positive support to one another through story-sharing, peer-teaching, advice-receiving, perspective-sharing and a lot of love and respect.

And of course very regular coaching.

The Dreamweavers of the past have done incredible things including building businesses back, getting ridiculous pay-rises, riding redundancies and restructures, buying property, selling property, deciding not to buy property, finding love, leaving love, talking about love, moving countries, leaving jobs, taking up new roles, working 4-day weeks, being published, taking their NPO to the next level. Oh and so many awards won.

“You bring people together and magic happens”.

  • Dreamweaving Business Owner 

In the Dreamweavers we have very very tight Designed Alliances, are incredibly creative and a bit cheeky. A BIG and BOLD investment that I have always thought was 100% worth every British pound. I hired the international Illustrator Katie Chappell to live-illustrate our Designed Alliance conversation and it became the touchstone to our weekly conversations.

In year 1, the peacock came up as our mascot animal, and in year 2 we were fire! This dictated our colour schemes. We are always steeped in creativity.

DTA - Designed Team Alliances are essential to any working group or team and this one felt rich and sacred in addition to being functional. The Weavers felt a strong sense of ownership and that is what THIS mastermind group is all about - ownership, the power of a circle and building a trusting and open communication where the members are self-directed and connected to the unconditional elevation of one another. 

It is intimate, wild and the results are phenomenal.

These people are courageous and honest.

Dreamweavers is on a break right now

But if you are interested in joining a very intimate group of creative and soulful people committed to doing great things in the world and life while planning for more pleasure, the right kind of rest, connected pursuits and so so much content and coaching, get in touch and we will put you on our waiting list.

“Thank you Sarah, you are magical”

Dreamweaving NPO Director

“You bring people together and magic happens”.

Dreamweaving Business Owner