Evergreen - Lighthouse

Evergreen is a self paced online grief support program that encourages you to tend to your grief in your own way. Grief is hard, really hard. Your grief is also sacred and deserves to be honored and tended to with honesty and compassion. Evergreen is structured to provide practical support that you can access anytime and anywhere, as well as offer you a place to feel heard and seen in your grief.

Evergreen grew out of our Lighthouse Circle Grief Support Community as a way to reach as many people as possible. We recognize some people prefer to work on their own or cannot join group meetings due to scheduling. Therefore, we want to meet you where you are.

Cost is a one time payment of ¥30,000 (approx. $200USD)

Evergreen is Self Paced

Each person's grief is unique and personal. Evergreen provides support as you tend to your grief in your own way and on your own schedule. You can access it anytime. 

Evergreen is Holistic

Grief affects our mind, body and heart.  We created a holistic approach to honor you as a whole person and to allow space for sorrow and joy to coexist. Everything belongs.

Evergreen is Compassionate 

Self compassion skills are encouraged as an essential part of grief care. Grief is hard and can feel isolating, but you are not alone. We hold you in loving kindness.

How to Navigate Evergreen

Online content will be presented in six main topics discussing various elements of grief.

Witnessing Grief 

Resourcing and Taking Refuge

Dealing with Difficult Emotions

Secondary Losses

Redefining Relationships

Integrating Grief

Within each topic there are five categories: journal prompt, ritual prompt, guided meditation, embodied practice and resources.

Once you sign up you will receive an email welcoming you to Evergreen and giving you full access to all the content. After that, every two weeks you will receive an email introducing a new topic.

You can follow the format in the order it is presented or however you like. Grief is never linear so we created this program to be flexible and accommodating. Think of Evergreen as a gentle and caring companion always by your side when needed.

Evergreen Investment is 30,000yen, one time payment.

Meet your Guides

Sarah Furuya

Hi, I am Sarah  and I live by the sea South of Tokyo, near the sacred shores of Kamakura, and from there I  run my coaching business and Legends Podcast. The heart of my practice is the many ways to lead a life, and working with and telling people’s stories. I honor the influence of those passed and create space and ritual for them and their presence in my coaching spaces. I am passionate about  looking at the taboos and lost traditions around death, mourning and grief.

Gretchen Miura

Hi, I'm Gretchen. I live in Japan with my family where we run DAIRYUJI Zen temple. Making grief support and mindfulness accessible for everyone to nurture well-being and a sense of belonging is my life's work. I studied with David Kessler to become a grief educator and under Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield to gain my mindfulness meditation teachers certificate. I love leading workshops, classes and retreats. My brother Chris died when I was five years old which deeply influenced my views on death and grief, ultimately guiding me to this calling. Drawing on many years of exploration, learning and unlearning, I am passionate about bringing elements of ritual, spirituality, creativity and mindfulness to create a supportive atmosphere at Lighthouse Circle.

“It was the warmest and most enveloping cocoon to be in that sacred space.”

- Lighthouse Circle participant