A Lighthouse Circle update and other SF News

Taken from newsletter sent 16 May, 2023

Lighthouse Circle Grief Support 

First things first! What we are NOT

We are so sorry for the people who have been duped and ripped off in this unethical, predatory ‘life coaching’ cult in the UK. We have no connection but love the Lighthouse metaphor and imagery, close to both mine and Gretchen’s ocean-loving hearts. Credit where credit is due - this image is from a BBC news article linked below.

After launching our 6-month journey last month in April, we received some further inquiries about the live calls and so we are starting again from session one tonight Tuesday 16th May 8pm JST::7am EST::12noon BST and you can sign up all the way through to the Friday 19th Call start 

What is the Lighthouse Circle?

It is a group for people to grieve together in all the myriad nuanced and not so nuanced emotions from desperate sadness to dark hilarity; we hold it all here. A place to be with the feelings and emotional expression that is just not allowed or appropriate in the outside world. 

It is a 6-session 6-month journey running from May 2023 to October 2023

There are monthly live group calls, Tuesday evening 8pm JST and Friday morning 9am JST the third week of the month. 

There is beautiful monthly content and to get a flavour, we have one session of free content available.

The cost of the Lighthouse Circle is 6 monthly payments of ¥5,300 per month (approx $39 USD or £31GBP . We have made it deliberately affordable but if you are interested and find this difficult to manage, please let us know and we will come to an arrangement.

You can read more about grief here at the Dairyuji Temple Grief Support page 

About the Life Coaching Cult Lighthouse:


LOVE from a Lighthouse member:

The Lighthouse Circle grief circle starts a new round with a live call Tuesday 16th May (or Friday 19th May).

It’s hard to articulate how magical this program and gathering is, but here’s my best attempt: something I wrote last year.

Last year I did something very wise: I signed up for the first Lighthouse Circle, because it was created and offered by two people I trust deeply: Sarah and Gretchen.

I wasn’t quite sure what it was going to be, but I trusted them, and it turned out to be an incredibly meaningful experience.

I would struggle to articulate all that I got out of it. But I can tell you that it felt gentle and powerful, sacred and magical. It gave me so much more to work with when it comes to grief.

One way to explain it might be to say that I had a very messy and jumbled (metaphorical!) junk drawer that I’d been using to store anything that came up related to grief!

Going through the Lighthouse Circle content and connecting with the other members on calls helped me to look at the contents of my grief junk drawer in a whole new way.

I was well aware of some of the grief that was in there of course. (Miss you Dad!) But it turned out there were also some other griefs that had been buried, shoved in the back, scrunched up tight, or almost forgotten.

It was so wonderful to look at and gently explore some of those griefs in a safe setting, with my new knowledge, perspective, and tools, and with this sacred little community.

I realized how much I’d skipped over, or gotten stuck on, because I hadn’t addressed my grief, hadn’t understood it, or had only dealt with some aspects of it.

Lighthouse Circle is starting again soon. There’s also an evergreen version where you can work through the content alone.

If either of those options feel interesting to you, I cannot recommend Lighthouse Circle highly enough.”

SFC Clothing & Style Swaps

Savvy Style X Conscious Consumption X Creative Community

We are planning a swap in summer - refreshed and renewed. We are looking at a city centre location and renewing our commitment to beautiful, quality exchange and partnering with a recycling company of a major name to take care of the leftovers. 

This will be a more intimate swap with a cap on numbers so be sure to stay on the newsletter to be informed of tickets - I really really appreciate you letting me into your inbox so will always give you first dibs on spots! 

To also build creative community, highlight other people working in conscious consumption and keep as much clothing above ground as possible.

For the post-covid swaps we used 2 different wonderful venues, and the clothing went to the Japan-based popular recycle shop Wattman - the hardware and clothing arm of Book Off and a place I have purchased many treasured 2nd hand items. 

In the meantime there are swaps and sales cropping up all over the place as well as an abundance of second hand stores. Also check the day your city takes away used cloth items as we will only be accepting goods in excellent condition and aroma! 

To be the first to find out about a swap, stay in the know here.

Simply Coaching

Coaching is open but I am not widely advertising - I’m having a year off running programmes, which I love, and am focussing on 1:1 coaching, Systems Coaching assisting, creativity, rest, nature, art, home and sobriety. For its own sake. 

If you want to work with a seasoned coach who spans the breadth of corporate to creativity with 18 years experience, and a true love for people and process then book a free 30 minute discovery call here. And we can talk about your needs and how I can help through coaching and genuine care.

PS Friends - I’ve been having a life-altering break. Following my previous letter to you about my recent conversion to alcohol-free life, I’ve turned a corner. Since Golden Week (you can read all about my trip to a Kyoto art festa @kyotogrpahie and the Japanese countryside here on Instagram @sarahfuruya and Business Shenanigans here @sarahfuruyacreative ) I have felt different, like everything is settling in. Like having shared my alcohol-free journey my body and mind have settled even further into this new life. I’m resilient, clear, healthy and a better coach for it. Today. I think. Life is unfolding in new, integrated and gentle yet wise and definite ways. I say this with some trepidation and with the absolute humility of a person who is baby sober but I am beginning to feel the emerging of a new way of being in the world. I’m joining a very very creative challenge this summer and hiring a new coach now that I feel hmmm new integrity. It took thought, help and timing to get here. Don’t give up my loves. Keep going. Ask for help. Or not. Tend to yourself. Have fun.


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