Life Planning @ Temple University with Sarah Furuya

In addition to coaching, creative projects, Lighthouse Circle & more I also run Life Planning workshops at Temple University.

The next one is coming up end of Summer on August 26th. This is an in person workshop, held in English on campus. I have been running this workshop now for many years, in fact in 2017 Savvy Tokyo did a write up on it here.

Read on to see if it for you:

Are you struggling in your efforts in deciding what you want to do with your life? Do you have interests and passions but seem to be going in different directions? Are you unsure about the first steps you should take to make changes in your life? If so, this workshop is for you! During this interactive session, participants will explore the essence of whom they are, what makes them, "tick", and how they see themselves. Through self exploration, sharing with class mates, and engaging in enlightening activities, participants will gain better clarity in who they are, what is most important to them in life, and how to move forward with creating a meaningful, satisfying future!

Sign up here


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