Creative Musings: Saunter & Frolic

In this Creative Musings episode, Sarah Furuya shares her journey of dismantling old beliefs and societal norms, blending humor and insight to highlight the importance of slowing down and redefining success.

Key Highlights:

  • Embracing Disobedience and Experimentation: Sarah discusses her recent hiatus for self-care, her current experiment of dismantling outdated cultural and business practices, and the importance of aligning work with personal values.

  • The Challenge of Traditional Timelines: She reflects on societal pressures to follow conventional timelines, sharing her experience of breaking free while managing responsibilities like taxes and client commitments.

  • Dismantling Indoctrinated Mindsets: Sarah talks about deconstructing deeply ingrained beliefs about work and productivity, influenced by menopause, ADHD, and sobriety, advocating for a sustainable approach to business.

  • The Power of Vulnerability and Authenticity: Inspired by Leonie Dawson, Sarah explores balancing personal struggles and professional boundaries, emphasizing authenticity in connecting with her audience.

  • Redefining Coaching and Business Practices: She critiques ableist tendencies in the coaching industry and calls for more inclusive, compassionate spaces, shifting from rigid productivity to humane work practices.

  • The Long Game of Financial Sustainability: Sarah discusses the financial implications of her journey, including transparent conversations with her husband about their future, remaining optimistic about evolving her work.

  • Saunter and Frolic: A New Business Philosophy: Introducing her latest venture, Saunter and Frolic, co-created with Angela Ortiz Pettas, focusing on retreats and workshops prioritizing rest, ease, and genuine connection.

  • Cultural and Personal Reflections: Rich with anecdotes and reflections, Sarah draws parallels between her current work and her youth in Liverpool's alternative scene, emphasizing creative expression and community.

  • Honoring Influential Voices: Paying homage to figures like Tricia Hersey and Sonia Renee Taylor, Sarah integrates their teachings on rest, resistance, and liberation into her practice.

  • Manifesting Dreams and Small Beginnings: Concluding with reflections on nurturing dreams and small beginnings, Sarah envisions a future of inclusive, joyful, and sustainable living and working.

Join Sarah Furuya as she navigates the complexities of dismantling old structures, reimagining success, and creating a business and life resonating with her values Follow along on the conversation redefining success and embracing authentic living.

Join Us at the Saunter and Frolic Retreat:
Don't miss the Saunter and Frolic Retreat, July 26th to 28th, with Angela Ortiz Pettas. Learn More and Register

If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Head over to Apple Podcasts to leave a review and we’d love it if you would come and say hi over on @sarahfuruyacreative on Instagram.

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Saunter & Frolic Retreat