Saunter & Frolic Retreat

Shhhh don’t tell the good girls…

Something is coming this way:

Saunter and Frolic

July 26th - July 28th

Retreat sponsored by MiCasa Mobara

Hosted by Angela Ortiz Pettas and Sarah Furuya Creative

Round 1 ¥38,000 2 nights, shared room, meals included plus all activities.

6 spaces only.

Take your time getting back to us - if the spots go they go…I mean just sit down, have a cuppa don’t panic - press reply all and we’ll get back to you …

Activities will include:

Cook nothing, do nothing, hang out, rest, dip in the sea, stick things to other things, turn cards, chat, compliments, whatever the opposite of body shaming is, healthy love-bombing, shameless ordinary magic, writing (if you like) and whatever the opposite of busy is, Bellies hanging and six packs bustin - all bodies are celebrated, looking at trees, gazing at forests, getting in water with women and BBQ - maybe but I will not be in charge of that.

If you feel lazy, you have won.

Equally there’s a gym if that’s what you want to do all weekend - that’s your business

Follow: for a vibe check

(NOT good vibes only - all vibes welcome - like if you are having the most depressed fiery perimenopause or menopause - come sit and cry at our table, your business is a shit show, you are so tired you can barely move, if you are just so over so many things - come lie down and pull a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, you want to downshit, you are sick of trying to play big, you want to play big, if you are exhausted by your family life and job, even though you love everyone - come have a chicken leg and a breakfast with us that you don’t prepare or clean up, if you are in love with everything - come shine your genuine sunshine over us, if you are wondering what to do next, but just don’t want another weekend of bloody problem solving, self-coaching and educational podcasts, come lounge on some outdoor furniture, bob in the ocean or sing some bad karaoke. Maybe just a weekend-long nap. Or daily runs that will not be led by sauntering Sarah, if you are young and have no direction but would like to be with he elders, and the middle elders and gather with us and ask us questions, then find out just how clueless we are too - come sit at our table. A table you will not be required to wipe down. Oh at all. Maybe you’d simply like to be in communion with other women, wanna hang out with a seasoned clueless coach and an athletic bon-vivant and Shachou. And chickens, We’ve got you.)

Sign up here!

Do you know Angela and I? We’re hilarious. We are excellent company and organise terrific parties - her wedding and epic; it was legendary, her birthday parties, fire-jumpin bacchanalian affairs and I had my 50th in a 5-star hotel suite during a lock down and my tenth business anniversary on the beach. This will be so much less (and more) than that.

We know how to host.

We know how to Saunter and Frolic.

We are kinda cool.

More info will go up on the website this weekend but until then - if you are interested, reply to this mail - in your own time of course, saunter to the keyboard, frolic through the words and keep it short - we’re probably lying down or frolcking in the gym, or reading one line from 10 books over the course of a week, or looking at plants or cuddling or something…

Hosted by Chief Saunterer Sarah and Chief Frolicker Angela along with Chief Chicken Mama, Judy.

Should you require more details, besides drop off and pick up - this probably isn’t the retreat for you.

Sorry we are very unprofessional.

For this retreat we will be rearranging ourselves around rest, restoration and dismantling all the doiness.

We love that.

If this interests you -email like I said only 6 spots so take your time - rest on it, think about and we will send more details. And by more details a lengthy essay about doing f#$k all and another copy of the picture below.


Don’t miss out- sign up here!

Any questions email!


Creative Musings: Saunter & Frolic


Victoria Close - Legend of Found Things